
  • In its role alone as the single variety permitted for use in Barolo and Barbaresco, Nebbiolo is noted as one of the world’s great black grapes. Yet it makes world-class wines beyond the borders of the Langhe: in Valtellina, Novara, Valle d’Aosta, Carema and beyond.

    Archives mention it as early as the fourteenth century not only around Alba, but in Rivoli, Pinerolo, Saluzzo, Canale, Manta, Bricherasio, Novara.

    Its name changes from place to place. In the Valtellina it is Chiavennasca. In Valle d’Aosta, Picotendro. In Novara, Spanna. Its most common name, however, recalls the Italian word for fog, Nebbia. Whether this is a reference to the famous Piemontese fogs, or the cloudy patina on the grape itself (📸 dDraft), or both, remains a matter of conjecture.

    MTW customers in Piemonte and Valle d’Aosta enjoy lashings of Nebbiolo in their journeys. Enquire with us today for your next Italian holiday.

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